Friday, October 19, 2012

What Is Normal? - Blog Hop Week 3

Normal, I suppose, means to conform to preset cultural expectations. But who is capable of this in all areas of their existence and if you strike out in any area do you become abnormal? Does it take a certain amount of misses to get that label?

Here is an interesting view of our society... a few facts about we, the people, who find ourselves creating the ideology of a normal life...

One in every 31 American adults, or 7.3 million Americans, are in prison, on parole or probation.

52 people in the US will die today, and everyday, from drug induced causes.

Nine of every 100 high school students has tried to commit suicide.

Somewhere between 1/4 and 1/2 of married men have cheated on their wives. About a 1/3 of wives return the favor.

735 children in the US will be physically or sexually abused today, and tomorrow, and the next day, and every following day.

One in 20 Americans have depression.

I could go on and on with this list but you get the idea. Our prescribed expectations of normal are just fantasies and culturally agreed upon standards. Because really, normal is about quantity not absolutes. The more things are a certain way, the more normalized the thing becomes. The net of normal widens with every incidence of something.

Normal people experience both joys and sorrows. Normal people make mistakes. Normal people get cancer, diabetes, and heart disease. Normal people have low, average, and high IQs. Normal people are ugly and beautiful. Some normal people are homosexual. Some normal people have red hair. Some normal people have autism. Some normal people are gifted. Some normal people have Down syndrome. Normal people are all different.

1 in about 700 babies born in the United States has an extra 21st chromosome. About half of them come as a surprise to their parents. For every one that was known about and given life, approximately 3 others are killed in the womb (though that trend is beginning to shift in a good way). This means that the creation rate of babies with Down syndrome is really about 3 in 700, or 1 in 234 people. As common as redheads and more common than Ferrari drivers, people with Down syndrome are actually quite normal after all.

Blog Hop #3 - 10/19 - 10/21; links close on 10/21, midnight


Anna said...

I absolutely love your blog! Another absolutely awesome post! I am sharing!

Anna Theurer said...

This is a brilliantly written post!

Not a Perfect Mom said...

as common as redheads....for some reason that line sticks out the most

Wordshurtorheal said...

"The net of normal widens with every incidence" I love this!!!

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